This is a very exciting time for Thriller School. We’re moving towards a new digital horizon where we want to be able to give you what you want and in the format you want. I looked up some stats for this blog and based on these numbers, this leap to technology isn’t just a weak idea. According to some research done in the States, “As of January [2014], 55% of American adults had smartphones, while 42% owned tablets, according to the Pew Research Center.” The stats are no different for the UK market, “The Cloud [one of UK’s leading public WiFi hotspot providers] found that there was a whopping 114% increase in the number of tablet devices accessing the WiFi network on January 8th 2014 as compared to the same day a year before.” Now, I don’t want this to turn into some report, but those numbers are fairly impressive and so are these final stats taken from the States: “Mobile devices accounted for 55% of Internet usage in the United States in January. Apps made up 47% of Internet traffic and 8% of traffic came from mobile browsers, according to data from comScore, cited Thursday by research firm Enders Analysis. PCs clocked in at 45%.”
Knowing those numbers and others like them, we put our heads together and tried to think of ways we could use these technologies to provide you guys with more of what you want. We’re getting together a list of online seminars and interviews done by crime fiction authors and even people who deal with real crime on a day-to-day basis. Your interaction with those people won’t just stop at webinars however – you will to be able to ask those professionals questions and get expert answers on, well, practically anything.
With this kind of communication, you’ll be able to get the answers to those puzzling questions of detail and procedure which may stopping your writing moving forward. And for you readers of crime fiction, this will be your chance to listen to your favourite authors and ask them questions and share your appreciation.
We have also been looking into forming a kind of buddy system for those moments when your muse just decided to take a week-long nap. They’ll be there to keep you on track, listen to you when things go wrong, and offer advice when questions arise. The readers aren’t left out of this. If willing, a reader can pair up with a writer and offer their expansive knowledge of other crime fiction stories to inspire, or even get new ideas/perspectives from speaking to a community of fellow crime lovers. Gradually, we can rotate people around so that we all get to know one another and just establish a community of friends who never fail to kick each other into gear when it comes to meeting a deadline, whatever that deadline might be.
We were thinking of book reviews and an email newsletter to keep everyone up to date on things going on around the world.
When more ideas become solidified, we will give you more information, but for now, we’re gathering thoughts. These ideas already listed have come from you guys so we really appreciate the feedback and am always looking for more. If there is an idea that’s been knocking at the door in the back of your mind, this is your chance to let it out and see where it’ll lead.
If you would like to give us some ideas, please see the contact page or send us a message on Facebook or Twitter if you prefer those methods. Also, there is a survey circling called Thriller School: New Directions where we’d love it if you’d share your thoughts.
We look forward to hearing what you have to say! Happy reading and writing!